AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers is an expe­ri­enced, ser­vice focused and inno­v­a­tive insur­ance inter­me­di­ary based in Moscow. Estab­lished in 2003, AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers have rapidly become a recog­nised name in the Russ­ian insur­ance market.

We are often seen as a suc­cess­ful niche Avi­a­tion and Space Insur­ance and Rein­sur­ance broker.

In addi­tion, we offer bespoke solu­tion in:

  • Energy & Power Generation
  • Finan­cial Insti­tu­tion & Pro­fes­sional Indemnity
  • Con­struc­tion
  • Marine & Cargo Transportation
  • Rein­sur­ance

AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers (Moscow) are reg­u­lated by the Cen­tral Bank of the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion (Bank of Rus­sia), Insur­ance Broking Licence СБ No. 4093 dated 13.02.2024. Reg. No. 4093 under Uni­form Pub­lic Reg­is­ter for Enti­ties Involved in Insur­ance Activities.

This page contains copy documents related to AXIOM InRe Insurance Brokers

Con­stituent documents

Client Money Bank­ing Details

AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers are trad­ing under a Sim­pli­fied Tax Sys­tem (‘STS’), a com­bined rate of tax­a­tion that replaces three fed­eral taxes (the VAT, the Fed­eral Cor­po­rate Income Tax and Tax on Wealth/​Property) with a sin­gle uni­form tax.

The STS pro­vides sig­nif­i­cant tax­a­tion ben­e­fits within a straight for­ward account­ing and report­ing envi­ron­ment that does not require statu­tory audit.

Audited Accounts 2019 

AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers val­ues cor­po­rate gov­er­nance as a tool to increase the effi­ciency of its oper­a­tions, strengthen its reputation.

The cor­po­rate gov­er­nance of AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers is based on the prin­ci­ples of jus­tice, hon­esty, respon­si­bil­ity, trans­parency, pro­fes­sion­al­ism and competence.

AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers strive to fol­low the stan­dards of good cor­po­rate gov­er­nance, and to con­stantly improve and develop our cor­po­rate gov­er­nance sys­tem, the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of which are as follows:

  • sep­a­ra­tion and del­e­ga­tion of responsibilities
  • pro­tec­tion the rights and inter­ests of our shareholders
  • effec­tive man­age­ment of the com­pany by the board and the management
  • sus­tain­able growth of the company
  • fair reg­u­la­tion of cor­po­rate con­flicts and con­flicts of interest
  • trans­parency and integrity in infor­ma­tion disclosure


Mr. Yaroslav Dildyaev

Mr. Viach­eslav Menshutin

Mr. Mikhail Mumin

Mrs. Lar­isa Sudina


Mr. Yaroslav Dildyaev, Chairman

Mr. Viach­eslav Menshutin

Mr. Mikhail Mumin, CEO

Mrs. Lar­isa Sudina

Mr. Pavel Zagorsky

Exec­u­tive Team

Mr. Michael Mumin, Direc­tor Gen­eral (Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer); appointed 15.10.2014.

Mrs. Galina Kalincheva, Chief Account­ing Offi­cer; appointed 01.02.2012.

This page contains copy documents related to AXIOM InRe Insurance Brokers

Our unin­tended pro­fes­sional errors and omis­sions risks are insured, as seems to be ade­quate for the purpose

Pro­fes­sional lia­bil­ity insur­ance contract

Anti-bribery and Corruption

Anti-Cor­rup­tion and Fraud Pre­ve­tion Policy

Bank­ing Details

Client Money Bank­ing Details

Indus­trial Standards

Base Stan­dard 79E27F60

Base Stan­dard 79E27F59

AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers are not involved in per­sonal lines business.

AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers are able to work with any of the local insur­ance com­pa­nies pro­vid­ing they sat­isfy our strict secu­rity require­ments; among other domes­tic insur­ers (rein­sur­ers), these include SOGAZ Insur­ance, Alfas­trakho­vanie PLC, Abso­lut Insur­ance, GIC Per­e­strakho­vanie, Ingosstrakh Insur­ance Lim­ited, the RNRC, Ros­gosstrakh, Sber­bank Insur­ance, Soglasie Insur­ance, and VSK Insurance.

The above list is not lim­ited or exhaus­tive, AXIOM InRe Insur­ance Bro­kers placed / are able to place insur­ance or rein­sur­ance with other domes­tic mar­kets that qual­ify under the spec­i­fi­ca­tions set by our clients.

Reg­is­tered Address: Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion, 125627, Moscow, Kurkino Munic­i­pal Dis­trict, Sokolovo-Meshch­er­skaya Street, Build­ing 25, Room 15
BIN 990940003090

Phone num­bers: +7(499) 557 0023, 7(499) 643 3040

Work­ing hours: Mon­day to Fri­day from 09:00 to 18:00, break from 13:00 to 14:00. Sat­ur­day, Sun­day - day off